Radiative Transfer Code for a Plane Parallel Multiple Scattering/ Absorbing Atmosphere
* These C/C++ routines calculate the source function produced by multiple scattering and absorption
* in a plane-parallel atmosphere, and the intensities on a given line in the medium (in both directions).
* The former program is based on an iterative solution of the radiative transfer equation, the latter
* is a straightforward integration based on the known optical depth and source function vectors
* (see the page https://www.plasmaphysics.org.uk/radiative_transfer.htm for more).
* Input parameters for the routine plansource are:
* mode: 'c' for continuum- (monochromatic), 'l' for line-scattering
* N: number of layers (with the source function assumed constant in each)
* tau: vertical optical depth of scatterers (vector of length N+1)
* t: vertical optical depth of absorbers (vector of length N+1)
* S0: initial source function (vector of length N)
* xd: base interval for Gaussian Quadrature (recommended =0.5) (for the kernel function routine)
* epsi: required relative accuracy (see also the notes for the kernel function routine)
* Output parameters for plansource are:
* ST: total source function (vector of length N)
* ni: number of iterations used
* Input parameters for the routine intens are:
* mode: 'c' for continuum- (monochromatic), 'l' for line-scattering
* N: number of layers/intervals (with the source function assumed constant in each)
* tau: line-of-sight optical depth of scatterers (vector of length N+1)
* t: line-of-sight optical depth of absorbers (vector of length N+1)
* S: source function (vector of length N)
* xd: base interval for Gaussian Quadrature (recommended =0.5) (for the kernel function routine)
* epsi: required relative accuracy (see also the notes for the kernel function routine)
* Output parameters for intens are:
* Iu: up-looking intensities (vector of length N) (referred to bottom of each layer/interval)
* Id: down-looking intensities (vector of length N) (referred to top of each layer/interval)
* (due to its design, intens is not restricted to a plane-parallel atmosphere, but can
* be used for arbitray geometries as long as the optical depth and source function
* along the line of sight is specified).
* All variables are of double precision floating point type, apart from N and ni (integer) and 'mode'.
* Required here are additonally the routines for the calculation of the kernel functions, which for
* the case of continuum- (monochromatic) or spectral line transfer with a Gaussian profile
* can be found under https://www.plasmaphysics.org.uk/programs/kernels.htm .
* The code should work with different kernel functions (i.e. different line profiles) as well
* (provided these are properly normalized), but this has not been tested.
* In case of any questions or problems, please let me know
* (for contact details see https://www.plasmaphysics.org.uk/feedback.htm ).
* Thomas Smid, June 2008
* July 2008 (added 'mode' option for line/continuum scattering,
* changed Neumann series iteration to direct iteration
* because of better convergence if absorption is significant)
* August 2008 (split the program into two different routines
* for the source functions and intensities
* for better flexibility and efficiency)
void plansource(char mode, int N, double tau[], double t[], double S0[], double xd, double epsi,
double S[], int& ni) {
double S1[N],KS[N][N],al[N],q[N];
double convgc,ddtau,ddt,jktau,jkt,jktau1,jkt1,dev,devmax;
int j,k;
/* calculate absorbing/scattering optical depth ratio, and initialize source function */
for (j=0; j<=N-1; j=j+1) {
al[j]=(t[j+1]-t[j])/(tau[j+1]-tau[j]) ;
/* assign the kernel function coefficients */
for (j=0; j<=N-1; j=j+1) { // KS referred to midpoint of layer
for (k=0; k<=N-1; k=k+1) {
if (k>=j) {ddtau=-(tau[k+1]-tau[k])/2; ddt=-(t[k+1]-t[k])/2; }
else {ddtau=(tau[k+1]-tau[k])/2; ddt=(t[k+1]-t[k])/2; }
jktau=fabs(tau[j]-tau[k])+ddtau; jkt=fabs(t[j]-t[k])+ddt;
if (k==j) {jktau=0; jkt=0; }
jktau1=fabs(tau[j]-tau[k+1])+ddtau; jkt1=fabs(t[j]-t[k+1])+ddt;
KS[j][k]= K2(mode,jktau,jkt,al[k],xd,epsi)- K2(mode,jktau1,jkt1,al[k],xd,epsi) ;
if (KS[j][k]<0) {KS[j][k]=-KS[j][k];}
/* iteration loop */
convgc=1; ni=0;
while (convgc >= epsi) {
for (j=0; j<=N-1; j=j+1) {
for (j=0; j<=N-1; j=j+1) {
for (k=0; k<=N-1; k=k+1) {
if (k!=j) { S[j]=S[j]+ S1[k]*KS[j][k]; }
for (j=0; j<=N-1; j=j+1) {
if (S1[j]!=0) { dev=fabs(S[j]/S1[j]-1.0); if (dev>devmax) devmax=dev; }
convgc=devmax*ni; // *ni in order to assure actual convergence
} // end iteration loop
void intens(char mode, int N, double tau[], double t[], double S[], double xd, double epsi,
double Iu[], double Id[]) {
double KI[N][N],al[N];
double ddtau,ddt,jktau,jkt,jktau1,jkt1;
int j,k;
/* calculate absorbing/scattering optical depth ratio */
for (j=0; j<=N-1; j=j+1) {
al[j]=(t[j+1]-t[j])/(tau[j+1]-tau[j]) ;
/* calculate transmission function matrix */
for (j=0; j<=N-1; j=j+1) { // KI referred to top/bottom of layer
for (k=0; k<=N-1; k=k+1) {
if (k>=j) {jktau=fabs(tau[k]-tau[j]); jkt=fabs(t[k]-t[j]);
jktau1=fabs(tau[k+1]-tau[j]); jkt1=fabs(t[k+1]-t[j]);
else {jktau=fabs(tau[j+1]-tau[k]); jkt=fabs(t[j+1]-t[k]);
jktau1=fabs(tau[j+1]-tau[k+1]); jkt1=fabs(t[j+1]-t[k+1]);
KI[j][k]= Z(mode,jktau,jkt,al[k],xd,epsi)- Z(mode,jktau1,jkt1,al[k],xd,epsi) ;
if (KI[j][k]<0) {KI[j][k]=-KI[j][k];}
/* calculate up- and down looking intensities,
Iu is referred here to the bottom of each layer/interval, Id to the top,
(with 'top to bottom' defined as being in the direction of increasing j ) */
for (j=0; j<=N-1; j=j+1) {
Iu[j]=0; Id[j]=0;
for (k=0; k<=N-1; k=k+1) {
if (k>=j) {Id[j]=Id[j]+S[k]*KI[j][k]; }
if (k<=j) {Iu[j]=Iu[j]+S[k]*KI[j][k]; }