Ionospheric Emission near the Lyman Ionization Edge

Research Fig.16:

Theoretical intensity of the ionospheric UV- emission near 911 A as observed with a resolution of 1.8 A (Gaussian halfwidth) assuming a plasma density Np=105cm-3, an average plasma electron energy of 0.5 Ry, an oxygen ion temperature T=1200 oK and a line of sight of 250 km length (long dashes: recombination continuum; short dashes: discrete Lyman series without the radiative enhancement effect due to line broadening by plasma field fluctuations; solid curve: total flux including radiative enhancement of the Lyman series).
The peak intensity shows good agreement with measurements, hence confirming the radiative enhancement associated with the line broadening by plasma field fluctuations.

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Thomas Smid (M.Sc. Physics, Ph.D. Astronomy),